Thursday, May 1, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
First of all, i want to give a s/o to mah fav bff que que. You are a real down ass bitch, getting your daily grind on like its nuthin, 11 in the morning clockin on venders row. S/o to ya seed, baby que que, too, all up in the fam biz. ive even seen big boss pa pa que regulating sometimes.
ok so, people have been getting the idea that import models are hot. like i have said previously, if import models were actually pretty, then they would be REAL models. but they are not, so the word import is added to justify the fug factor.
disagree? you are an idiot and that makes you my personal monkey so i made a game for you.
here we have 4 beautiful models, and one or more may or may not be a transsexual. can you tell which are import models and which are men?




and the answersss... are....
watch this to distract you from the anxiety
well i have to go right now so answers will be up later tonight.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Everyone is going to get pwnd. Thats not a threat. Its a to do list. It really is time to throw down the gauntlet. On that list is washing the dishes and stuff. No complaining today. Although i am an old person and complaining is one of our main hobbies, next to pictures of kittens and being cold. I have discovered a lot, but it will have to wait, because i see a patch of blue sky and i still remember - bloc party.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
for the better of everyone
please, girls, unless you are under 7 DO NOT TALK LIKE A BABY. IT IS NOT CUTE. not even a little bit. unless it is a joke, there should not be the slightest hint. if you even think you might sound like it a little, its been completely obvious to everyone for some time probably. no one has ever told you because its so extremely embarrassing, we all try and forget it happened. its one of the more sickening things one could ever do.
and to everyone. unless your pun is really accidental and you don't want to offend someone, DO NOT SAY NO PUN INTENDED. you sound like an idiot. really.
and another thing i hate is couples walking around all the time holding hands. are you guys stuck together? get the fuck out of my way! your needy/touchy/clingy insecurities don't really put me in the mood to play red rover. if you want to reaffirm your
,i have to say it, (doomed) relationship, go home and do it. i don't really care what you do, just don't take up so much damn space when other people are going somewhere.
the exception is old couples who need to hold each other up. now that is adorable. plus they've been together for centuries, so i think they've earned it.
those are rules.
whats good in life then.
random youtubes, graphite, not having 12 hours of school, movie quotes, cb125s, people telling you off with no pity, honesty(kind of the same thing), throwing it all out there and seeing what happens (deeeeeeeep...), change, twisty roads, addicting change(quarters), crazy stuff, unexpected stuff, funny stuff, the kind of funny stuff you laugh at the next day by yourself at 8:30 in lecture and bite your tongue until it bleeds and still cant stop and people think your insane for laughing at nothing. no explanations necessary. go do something worthwhile. unlike me.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
i got pwnd
extremely bored today. came home feeling sick been in my tiny little box for a very very long time. going a little crazy. so i made a blog like everyone else. no one will probably read it, but its not for anyone. its to keep me entertained while i rest so i dont feel like crap. eff you. weekends are my only time to hang out. weekdays just dont seem as fun. its not the same mood. sutdy study bahblah whine whine. its a different world. weekends come around and everythings SO much better. people are more fun nicer more lively. thats why i just go home, get my stuff done, and let morgnasty come out on weekends. you know, it takes a lot out of me. like when homedude turns into the hulk. can you overdose on vitamin c? i know doctors say it just doesnt absorb into your system, but man, summed up ive had 5510% today. how can that NOT have an effect. im seriously going to pee out a whole orange. so i guess im supposed to talk about serious stuff on here. i hate the world. there i said it. letting things out is supposed to make you feel better right? nope. i probably dont hate everyone.................... neeeeaaaaawwww i do. my life is soooooo booooorrrriiiiiinnnggggg. today i realized i used the word cute about a song. nooo im turning into one of those girls whos only adjective is cute. as soon as they walk into the mall, brain damage occurs and the only word left in their vocab is cute. some things really are cute. like the miso tastey shirt. but its killing me. i hate malls. the fluorescent lights are so flat i get no depth perception whatsoever. then knock something over. ok no more I's in any setance. talking about yourself too much is not fun. but then again its the only thing that you ever really know. but it just sounds stupid. this is actualy really fun. its like having a converastion with someone who only listens and never speaks. yay! ideal person. just joking. thers a math exam tomorrow. soo exciting. YES THE BEST SONG EVER JUST CAME ON C89.5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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